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Atlantic City Blackjack Explained – How to Play

John Ford | January 7, 2021 | Updated on: January 29th, 2021

Atlantic City Blackjack Guide

Atlantic City Blackjack is a blackjack variation that was first offered in Atlantic City, New Jersey. Many adaptions of this version of the game are available online, meaning you don’t need to visit a casino in Atlantic City to play it.

In our guide below, we will be looking at all aspects of this variation of 21, including the rules. We even list the best internet casinos that offer this game to help you get started. If you are interested in learning more about this variation of blackjack, keep reading.

Best Atlantic City Blackjack Casinos


$9,000 BONUS

97.9% Payout

Rating: 4.7/5

98% Payout

$9,000 BONUS 97.9% Payout - Rating: 4.8/5

$7,500 BONUS

98% Payout

Rating: 4.9/5

98% Payout

$7500 BONUS 97.9% Payout - Rating: 4.9/5

$5,000 BONUS

98% Payout

Rating: 4.7/5

98% Payout

$5,000 BONUS 98% Payout - Rating: 4.8/5

$8000 BONUS

97.00% Payout

Rating: 4.5/5

96% Payout

$8000 BONUS 97.00% Payout - Rating: 4.5/5

$2,500 BONUS

97.90% Payout

Rating: 4.5/5

96% Payout

$2,500 BONUS 97.90% Payout - Rating: 4.5/5

$7,500 BONUS

97.30% Payout

Rating: 4.7/5

98% Payout

$7,500 BONUS 97.30% Payout - Rating: 4.7/5

Atlantic City Blackjack Links

Atlantic City Blackjack Gameplay

Atlantic City Blackjack uses eight decks of cards. The basic gameplay remains the same as a regular blackjack game. You play against a dealer, and the value of your hand cannot exceed 21. If the value of your hand does exceed 21, you have gone bust, and you have lost the game.

Here is a step-by-step guide detailing the gameplay in Atlantic City Blackjack:

  • Each game starts with a bet.
  • Following your bet, the dealer will hand out the first round of cards to each player. While players get two cards, the dealer will only get one card. Player cards will be distributed face down, but the dealer’s card will be face up.
  • The dealer will get a second card, and players will need to decide how they proceed with their hands. You can ask for a third card or stay with your hand.
  • Now it is time for players to make their bets based on the cards they are dealt with.

If the gameplay is similar to regular blackjack, how does Atlantic City Blackjack differ? Well, let’s have a look.

Atlantic City Blackjack Rules and Betting Options

Atlantic City Blackjack rules differ slightly from other blackjack variations. Here are some of the most important rule differences in this variation of online blackjack:

  1. The ace remains the most valued card in the game.
  2. The dealer must stand on soft 17.
  3. The dealer is permitted to check their cards for blackjack.
  4. Players can double down on two cards but only after splitting.
  5. You can surrender late in the game.
  6. You can split ace, but only once.
  7. Bear in mind that the dealer may peek for blackjack.

Atlantic City Blackjack Strategy and Tips

Blackjack players have multiple strategy charts to help them navigate the various possibilities in the game. Each variation has its own strategy chart. Naturally, Atlantic City Blackjack has its own.

Players can use the below strategy chart for this variation:

Atlantic City Blackjack USA

To ensure you are well-prepared to achieve great results, here are a few more tips.

  • Don’t play this game while intoxicated. It’s the quickest way to lose. This might be a game of chance, but you still need to think clearly. You don’t want to make bad bets due to drunkenness.
  • It’s best to invest in insurance when playing the game. Should the dealer have blackjack, you’ll be paid out a certain portion of your bet if you have insurance. We don’t always recommend this bet, but sometimes it helps.
  • Because you’ll be playing at an online casino, we suggest you keep an eye out for bonuses and promotions. You can use these to extend your bankroll. Make sure the bonus can be used on table games, though.
  • Also, don’t maintain a losing streak in hopes that your win is coming. Avoid the ‘due to win’ mentality at all costs, especially if you feel encouraged to place larger bets than normal to win back lost funds.

Should I Play Atlantic City Blackjack?

Like many American Blackjack variations, the rules are quite favorable in Atlantic City Blackjack. You can surrender and save some money. But the dealer stands on soft 17, which can increase the house edge against you. However, other than this, you’re looking at a standard blackjack game here with slightly better rules.

Not all that many casinos offer this variant. With a 99.6% return-to-player percentage, we wouldn’t say you should hunt for the casino game. After all, blackjack switch and blackjack surrender have higher percentages than this.

You also get standard payouts outs for winning hands and a natural, so there isn’t a monetary aspect to go after. Overall, if the casino you’re playing at offers this blackjack variant, give it a try. But if it doesn’t, know that you aren’t missing out on anything special.

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